World Rural Development Day

CIRDAP in Integrated Rural Development

Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is building an expert database on the different disciplines and research areas, which is linked to integrated rural development (IRD).


The purpose is to generate a body of multiple cross disciplinary think tank to help mobilize knowledge transfer across the Asia–Pacific region and other regions.


CIRDAP commits to Team Excellence. Alumni of CIRDAP, experts from member states and networks are invited to join the database.

I. Webinars

CIRDAP is currently organizing a Webinar Series on Integrated Rural Development under its Expert Team of Excellence. Since 2021, it has started its webinar. There is a recurring monthly series of webinars that provides lectures on various disciplines such as the Covid-19 pandemic, issues of agricultural extension services, Youth Development Index and Global Youth Development Index, Gender, Nutrition, agricultural economics and resilient strategies for aquaculture and fisheries to face the extreme weather shocks, health economics etc. with particular reference to CIRDAP member countries. Under the webinars; the UN recognized international days such as International Women day, World Health day, International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, International Day of Rural Women, World Ocean day, International day of Forest, World Environment Day, World Humanitarian Day and World Soil Day are also celebrated with the presentations of the CIRDAP team of Excellences and Experts. This webinar series is an excellent opportunity to hear from experts across Asia and the Pacific region.

II. Women, Youth & Rural Development Programme

The fundamental pledge to ‘leave no one behind’, which is at the heart of the implementation of the SDGs, urges all partners, including CIRDAP, to address the underlying causes of gender inequality. In its programmes, CIRDAP addresses the root cause of these discriminations that lies in social norms, attitudes and beliefs. As a servicing institution for its member states in the Asia-Pacific region, CIRDAP encourages joint collective activities to address discriminatory sociocultural norms and advises the member countries on shaping policies and legal frameworks.

  • Implementing rural development programmes that focus on education, health, livelihoods, and socio-economic well-being for women and youth.
  • Organizing gender and youth-related workshops, seminars, and webinars, as well as observance of international days such as International Day of Rural Womens Day, International Women’s Day, etc.
  • Gender integration and mainstreaming capacity building for policymakers and stakeholders using an intersectional approach, such as gender and social inclusion training that considers social status, disability, ethnicity, and other factors.
  • Publication of the in-country gender assessment reports for policy, action, and research.
  • Publication of case studies, success stories, and best practices on gender in rural development issues in CMCs.
  • Developing policies and strategies for women’s empowerment in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Networking and partnerships with women’s organizations in the Asia-Pacific regions for collaboration and collective action.

III. The Aziz-Ul- Haq Rural Development Medals

In 2021, the Governing Council of CIRDAP approved the establishment of the Aziz-Ul Haq Rural Development Medal in memory of the late Mr. Aziz-Ul Haq, the first Director of CIRDAP and the Former Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Bangladesh. The Aziz-Ul Haq Rural Development Medal recognizes an individual or organization for outstanding achievements and contributions to integrated rural development for improving livelihoods, reducing poverty and increasing the food security of rural people in Asia and the Pacific Region and for contributions to CIRDAP.

CIRDAP awarded its first ‘Aziz- ul- Haq Rural Development Medal – 2021 to the H.E. Sheikh Hasina, MP, Honorable Prime Minister of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. In a simple and gracious ceremony, this medal was officially handed over to the Honorable Prime Minister by Dr. Cherdsak Virapat, Director General of CIRDAP at Gonobhaban. H.E. On 29 th May, 22.


List of Awardees (till now)

  • H.E. Sheikh Hasina, MP, Honorable Prime Minister of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh;
  • The Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Bangladesh;
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC) of Thailand;
  • The Ministry of Rural Development, India;
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);
  • Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Bangladesh;
  • Benazir Income Supports Programme (BISP), Pakistan;
  • The first Director General, the late Mr. Aziz-Ul Haq Bangladesh, 1979-1984;
  • The former Director General the Late Mr. ATM Shamsul Haque, Bangladesh, 1984-1992;
  • The former Director General (DG), Dr. Somporn Hanpongpandh; and
  • The former Director General, Dr. Durga P. Paudyal, Nepal, 2004-2012.

IV. Rural Development Reports

Rural Development Report (RDR) a biannual publication on a timely important topic approved by Governing Council. In every GC meeting, a topic is selected by the members based on the emerging issues of Asia-pacific region. The secretariat then published the RDR based on that research topic.

V. Flagship training programme on regional integrated rural development, governance, trade and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific

The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) and Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) jointly organized a regional training course on Integrated Rural Development, Governance,Trade and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, from 4-25, November 2022.


A total of 18 participants participated in the course from 11 countries, in which 9 were female and 9 were male. 17 participants were from 10 CIRDAP member countries, namely Bangladesh, Indonesia, IR Iran, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand & Vietnam and 1 participant from Zambia under the South-South cooperation participated.


The inaugural session was held in CIRDAP International Convention Centre (CICC) on 5 Nov. 2022. The Honorable Minister, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Bangladesh was invited as the chief guest while Secretary of Rural Development & Co-operatives Division, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Bangladesh as the special guest.


The 3-week training programme is specifically designed to benefit civil servants, mid-career professionals, educators, researchers, media professionals, and civil society members, who have IRD – related responsibilities and functions or interests. The course receives 18 participants from the CIRDAP member countries and one participant from the South-South cooperation of AARDO.

VII. CIRDAP Exhibitions and Museum on Integrated Rural Development (CEMIRD) and Hall of Fame

The CIRDAP Exhibition on Integrated Rural Development in Asia-Pacific (CEMIRD) was established in 2021 and it was inaugurated on July 6, 2022 with the objectives of:


  • To provide holistic view and policy formulation for Government management on integrated rural development, governance, trade and Sustainable development.
  • To bring together the best rural development models from the CIRDAP member countries for exhibition
  • To showcase successful applications of integrated rural development practices that can be replicated in rural areas of member countries, and
  • To demonstrate successful rural development models for all.



In 2019, CIRDAP has developed an online library to meet the need for global digitalization and technology. Thus, the old library premise with a total area of about 250 m2 has been transformed into the CIRDAP Exhibition.


During last four decades, integrated rural development (IRD) has been one of the major rural development strategies in Asia and the Pacific countries. Through experimentation with rural development projects pioneered by different countries, characterized by pragmatic adaptation to local conditions, several concepts, philosophies and models have been successfully applied for improving livelihoods, reducing poverty and increasing food security of rural people.


The CEMIRD will be the first Exhibition of its kind. In addition, CEMIRD will also be developed in digital presentations for free access by the general public worldwide.

VII. E-Library Information

The e-library will help all CIRDAP member countries to access knowledge on integrated rural development and Poverty Alleviation stored on online platform that will benefit people of CIRDAP Member countries leading them towards sustainable rural development. This will be an online archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of documents and publications for CMCs.



      To connect CIRDAP member countries with sharing of Knowledge and resources and serve as a Data house for Information on IRD CIRDAP inaugurated its E-Library on 7 th July 2019 on its 40 th foundation day. Through its e-Library, CAL is doing its enormous job, as it is an online archive for collecting, preserving, and  disseminating digital copies of documents and publications for CMCs. “E-Library News Alerts” and “e-Library Articles Alerts”: Through the initiative, CIRDAP staffs can read important & interesting news and current Articles related to RD & PA in open access journals.

VIII. Initiator of the World Rural Development Day- CIRDAP

What is CIRDAP?


The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is an Intergovernmental regional organization, which promotes Integrated Rural Development (IRD) in the Asia-Pacific region through regional cooperation amongst Member States, Link Institutes and Development Partners. CIRDAP seeks to improve the quality of life of the far-reaching marginalized rural people, the ultimate beneficiaries of CIRDAP are farmers and rural communities.