The seminar on ‘Promoting Climate Resilient Aquaculture and Fisheries for Integrated Rural Development in Bangladesh’ being jointly organized by CIRDAP and BSFF with active support from the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives and the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock would focus on the impact of climate change on the fisheries and aquaculture sector of climate change in the CIRDAP member countries including Bangladesh. The seminar is being organized as a stock taking exercise on how the recent adverse climate change impacts are affecting the member countries especially, their rural development efforts and fisheries and aquaculture sector. It has been so designed to provide a platform for facilitating well informed discussions on impacts of adverse climate changes and the nature of these changes in all the varied areas of freshwater aquaculture, brackish water/ coastal aquaculture and inland saline water aquaculture.
National Seminar on Promoting Climate Resilient Aquaculture and Fisheries for Integrated Rural Development in Bangladesh